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RevShark's TSP Timing:

- TSP Timing is a weekly newsletter giving subscribers a target TSP allocation determined by professional trader and owner of, James 'RevShark' DePorre.

- A Newsletter subscription includes 4 to 5 weekly issues each month, plus mid-week updates as needed.

- Plus get daily Morning Market Commentary.

- Email and text alerts available

- More Info | Sample Report | Subscriber login

Intrepid_Timer's Market Analysis:

- Intrepid_Timer gives detailed, chart-based market analysis on a daily basis as well as a weekly overview over the weekend. He also provides spreadsheets of hypothetical trades based on a timing system that he developed over the course of 6 years that is based on currency and commodity prices as well as proprietary timing patterns that he has discovered over the years. His trades for TSP tend to be shorter in duration with the goal of getting into equities for quick 1-2% gains, but can last for a month or so at times. The majority of the time, these trades have us sitting in the safety of the G fund or the relatively safety of the F fund, so the risk of being in any of the equity funds during a "Black swan" type of even that drives prices down quickly is greatly reduced.

This system can also be used to trade ETF's outside of TSP and Intrepid provides some examples in his daily spreadsheets that can be used, and he may, or may not, use any of them at any given time. All trades are for information purposes only to show that one can beat buying and holding on a regular basis.

Along with Intrepid's commentaries, he'll post his timing signals in a dedicated "signals thread" at TSPtalk in the premium threads that can only be seen by subscribers. If you wish, you can also sign up for email and text alerts. There are also premium threads dedicated to TSP and ETF trading where subscribers can share information with each other. These have proven to be quite popular threads at

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TSP Talk Plus:

- TSP Talk Plus premium service is a supplemental service from Tom Crowley to the current free services on TSP Talk.

- Access to this service includes daily extended market commentary, the Plus System signals with email alerts, forum extras, AutoTracker privileges, and more.

- Email and text alerts available

- Get a 50% discount on TSP Talk Plus if you already subscribe to RevShark's TSP Timing and / or Intrepid Timer Analysis.

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The Daily Last Look Report:

The Last Look Report is a daily service aimed to help you make your final interfund transfer decisions before the deadline. The most prominent feature of the report will be a list of auto tracker members IFTs for the day. Get a chance to see where members of our community are putting their money just in time to make your own move.

Along with IFTs, you also get extra information to help you wrap your head around the market before the IFT deadline. We will provide what we think are prominent headlines and economic reports that are moving the market each morning. We will lead you to the hot market threads in our forum that morning so you can jump right into the conversation.

Daily Auto Tracker member IFTs with commentary

Market moving headlines for that morning

Hot market related TSP Talk forum posts of the day

The daily emails will be sent at or before 11:30am EST on days the market is open. This time frame allows us to accumulate member IFTs while providing you some time before the 12:00 EST deadline to make your own decisions off the information we provide.

- Get a
50% discount* on The Last Look Report if you already subscribe* to RevShark's TSP Timing, Intrepid Timer Analysis, or TSP Talk Plus.

* That's just $5 / month or $50 for a full year

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** 50% discount on TSP Talk Plus if you also subscribe to RevShark or Intrepid Timer
*** 50% discount on Last Look when you also subscribe to any other service

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Premium Returns

2024 Returns

2023 Returns

2022 Returns

2023 Thru: 06/28/24  
Plus_System +10.99% *
Revshark: +7.17%  
Intrepid Timer: +1.35%  
G Fund: +2.21%  
F Fund: -0.63%  
C Fund: +15.28%  
S Fund: +3.28%  
I  Fund: +5.85%  
2023 Thru: 12/29/23  
Revshark: +12.28%  
Intrepid Timer: +10.01%  
Plus_System +0.29% *
G Fund: +4.22%  
F Fund: +5.58%  
C Fund: +26.25%  
S Fund: +25.30%  
I  Fund: +18.38%  
2022 Thru: 12/30/22  
Plus_System +1.03% *
Revshark: +0.38%  
Intrepid Timer: -30.80%  
G Fund: +2.98%  
F Fund: -12.83%  
C Fund: -18.13%  
S Fund: -26.26%  
I  Fund: -13.94%  
* The Plus System is part of TSP Talk Plus

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