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TSP Talk Reader Comments and Testimonials
TSP Talk Reader's Comments and Testimonials

"I've very much appreciated what you guys at TSPTalk have done for me. Have made in excess of 17% each of the last 3 years."
-- DD

"Thanks again Tom, your quick response to your members when they need anything is truly outstanding! You have always done an excellent job."
-- Rich

"Awesome Customer Service!!!"
-- Carlos

"Thanks for all you do for the site. I enjoy reading your daily and weekly wrap-ups of the current market conditions."
-- Mike S

"I just want to say that because of TSP Talk its such a joy coming to work everyday. I always look forward to reviewing TSP Talk daily to help me make wise investment decisions. I did fairly well with my retirement fund coming very late into Government service. I invested rather aggressively all th
-- Don

"I always enjoy all your work with TSP Talk and have shown your web site to at least fifty others who all think it greater than sliced bread. KEEP UP the GREAT WORK."
-- Thomas

"Seeing your post about the change to the tracker rules made me think all over again about how well you manage this huge and very active message board. You handle everything that pops up here so well and so fairly... You really do have a talent for keeping this all under control. Gold star!"
-- forum member

"I love the website and appreciate all of the education you and others have provided me through the years. Best wishes navigating through the current turmoil!"
-- Josh

"...thanks for your website. you provide a valuable and enlightening service."
-- Jim M

"I started reading your Market Commentary about 3 or 4 months ago. Since then, I’ve gotten a number of fellow employees interested as well. I’m sure you hear this often, but not enough, thank you for the time and effort you put in to the site and the commentary. I think your reasoning is sound and y
-- Andrew

"Just so you know. I look forward to your daily commentaries each and every day. I read them and look forward to them. Actually if the truth be known, when you do find time to take a break and get away from it all for a few days, I'm somewhat in denial of making financial decisions without first r
-- Larry

"I really appreciate all the guidance you provide me within the TSP Talk Plus subscription. You've taught me so much! No matter what the market brings, you've always got a fan and supporter in me. Cheers!"
-- WFB Jr

"You have always been very helpful and quick to respond. If only all help desk/support could be like you........ :)"
-- RC

"I retired February 17, 2012, with 33 years of federal service.  I have followed your TSP site since you first put it online.  Thanks to your assistance I managed to grow my TSP account into something well beyond I had ever hoped to achieve.  I will never forget two major accomplishments;  the day I
-- Charles

"Thanks for providing this TSP Talk service, I've only been a member for a couple of years, wish I knew about this sooner. I always tell my Fed friends that this is the best way to manage your TSP account. Have learned a lot between your comments and IT's. In less than 3 years you have helped me gro
-- DD

"Thanks for what you do. I love your technical analysis. I took several course through Success Magazine/Thinkor Swim/Investools that taught me some technical analysis. Being an engineer, I appreciate technical analysis and your market com. And the website. How do I get access [to the premium servic
-- SP

"I've been religiously reading your collaborative-based web-site everyday, learning more and more. With the advent of a new baby, and recent marriage, I've turned a new leaf to be much more strategic about tsp, which I have regretfully not in the past. My deepest thanks to you for your leadership
-- Brian

"Love the site. Wish I knew of it years ago for TSP guidance, info sharing, etc."
-- John

"Thank you! I don't think we appreciate your efforts on the TSPTalk site enough. It must take a lot of work."
-- Anh

"I thank you very much for 2022. While most of the world lost 18%, I followed you and lost nothing. Even though we didn’t do as well in 2023 vs. the market, $ for $ I’m still way ahead."
-- Dan

"Today was the day I broke through to 7 figures. TSP balance is $1,000,577. It took 31 years and 11 months. It would have been a little quicker if I hadn't been retired and drawing from my account since 2014. I have been a daily user of TSPTALK, and while I often diverge from the advice implied i
-- John

"Thanks for the great website and the prompt replies as always - you have a member for life here!..
-- Nate

"Also wanted to thank you for the service you provide TSP members... I find myself checking your page every morning to see what is happening. Thanks again!"
-- JB

"Hey Tom, just wanted to add my name to the list to say thank you. I refer daily to your commentary and find it superbly informative."
-- Charles

"And let me just say, Everything that my thrift savings accounts is or hopes to be, I owe to you and this incredible resource. I thank you very much"
-- Jeff

"I want to say that I am thrilled with this “premium” service (Intrepid Timer). I’ve never spent money like this but I already lost thousands from my TSP account this year so the monthly premium is feeling very reasonable right now. I know nothing is guaranteed but at least I’m not casting in the da
-- Jeff

" I just renewed today. Appreciate what you do for us retired federal employees! I was hooked the day I made over $21000 on a trade with I think it was Trader Fred. My goal is to be in the very top category of the TSP by the time I have to start taking it out. According to FedExec, only about 33
-- MM

"Thank you for this site and all the hard work it must entail. I look forward to your commentary every day. I'm looking forward to a very prosperous 2011."
-- Dutchy

"Hey guys I just wanted to say Thanks for all good info. Keep the good job n God bless you all!!"
-- Ed

"I really appreciate what you are doing with your website! It's a very valuable service you are providing, keep up the good work I sure hope its worth your time and effort, it's got to be a ton of work to provide the daily updates, but I really enjoy your charts and insights."
-- Steve

"Just wanted to say thank you for your daily TSPTALK commentary and charts. I really enjoy it every day with my coffee break. Thank you for your deep analysis of the report."
-- Yasir

"Your Market Commentary has become the first thing I read everyday. That says a lot. Thank you!"
-- DCRanger

"...I'd also like to say thanks for educating me about the TSP and the stock market. Reading the Market Comments and posts on TSP Talk has really boosted my retirement account, so now I will be able to retire earlier than I had planned."
-- Gary

"I really appreciate your hard work and effort in putting together on a daily basis the market comments, it gives me a lot of information and sight and something of a sanity check of the current status of the economy and of the stock and bond markets. And helps me make decisions on IFTs..."
-- Edward

"I appreciate everything you do Tom. I've made a lot of money following your advice over the years. I owe a great deal of my financial success and being able to retire at 56 to that advice."
-- RC

"I have been cruising the TSP Talk site for some time and received a lot of continuing educational credit for which I am appreciative. In this Thanksgiving season, we all have much to be thankful for and I would like my voice of appreciation to all that you do here. Many thanks to you, your family
-- Pete

"I give you high marks for your daily commentary which I look forward to reading each day. By the grace of God and  from your daily commentary, I have been consistently making significant gains all of this year, sometimes between 2% to 4 %, per month."
-- Chris

"Thanks so much for your efforts and talents in schooling rookies like me the intricacies' of TSP. Your efforts and insight significantly enable me to make a profit in this terrible financial environment that we are all in. I just really wanted to pass on that you are doing something great. Thank
-- bucket

"I just joined the membership for a month but really appreciate your service. From zero knowledge for managing the TSP and I have been learning a lots from your daily report and commentary."
-- Bella

"Today my TSP account broke into $500,000 range. Thanks to your advice on TSPTalk.com. I have between 5-10 years of service left before I can retire. My goal is to make one million dollars in my TSP investments before I retire! Thank you for your website advice. Your guidance over the years
-- J.A.Y.

"Thanks for these daily commentaries, [they're] excellent."
-- Ric

"I appreciate everything that you do. I enjoy your commentary and suggestions. You do a great job of keeping us informed."
-- Kieran

"Thanks for all you do. I have learned a lot from you and the site... you are a visionary for putting this all together the way you have! Congrats."
-- 06savefor2012

"I just wanted to tell you that you have done a great thing starting this site. It has turned into a great asset that I have recommended to many people. You have got to take an active interest in your account and this site is the best site for info. Real info. I remember long ago when I was looking
-- sns

"I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated what you had to say in your market comments today. You have a lot of wisdom about these sorts of things, and I think that many people will benefit from your thoughts. There is too much of a temptation for pride to get the best of us."
-- Van

"Thank you Tom for your many years of TSP Talk work! I have read your reports almost daily for 15 years now?....not sure, but a long time. Your comments, analysis and guidance has been extremely valuable. I have not always followed your lead, but your input is my first go-to for...
-- Frank

"I want to thank you all for making my TSP a valuable investment, your site is a valuable resource and much needed."
-- George

"Wow! Thank you Tom! I really appreciate you responding so quickly. Thank you very much for the great service you provide for all of us TSP'ers."
-- Gregg

"I am intrigued by your system’s performance in tricky times – I think you did very well last year, considering the turmoil at the end."
-- Marie

"Tom, Thank you actually responding on a Sunday evening. I wasn't expecting an e-mail until tomorrow."
-- Darrin

"I want to thank you for providing such a great service. Your site provides a tremendous service to TSP participants. Any one who has money in the TSP should be using your site. Keep up the great work! Thanks again!"
-- Chris H.

"Thanks much for the daily Market Commentary! I make sure to browse it every day, its really been illuminating to see how the various indicators and seasonality come together on a daily basis."
-- Tom

"I just wanted to say you guys are amazing - thank you for all the work you do!"
-- Julia

"I really appreciate your sight. It is very helpful. I will continue to pass it on to other TSPers."
-- Russ

"Thanks again for the great service you provide. I've been retired for almost 7 years now and thanks to you my TSP fund has stayed the same even with a $78,000/yr withdrawal."
-- Marty

"Tom, thanks again. I really enjoy the TSP Talk site and information. It has taken a lot of the guess work out of investing for the future. Keep up the great work."
-- Paul

"My co-workers have said you provide a great service and I agree. Your customer service is outstanding. I sincerely appreciate your help and I look forward to more great advise from your site."
-- Alan

"Thank you for the service you all provide. I am very happy with my TSP fund progress this past year with your help. I have recommended your service to co-workers as well."
-- Annette

"Thanks Tom, Autotracker has been my mentor since March of 2009. Thanks for all you do which I'm sure is unappreciated but not by me. You're the best! ..."
-- Tom

"Great catch on the 1987 correlation. I haven’t heard a single comment on this on the financial news shows yet. If not for TSPTALK, I wouldn’t have been watching for that one. I’m safely in the G now and enjoying the show. Thanks."
-- John

"Your commentary has been, as always, very helpful to me when making my transfers."
-- Jay

"I check your site every day - I'm addicted. Thanks"
-- Jerry

"I'm a real novice at this, and have learned much from this website, and I definitely appreciate the info here."
-- FB

"I just love the report information. May only understand half of it, but find it very smart for the interpretation of a signal and direction in long term strategy."
-- offroad

"I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for the time and effort that you put into the daily and weekly market comments. I have been reading TSP for several years, but 2012 (+23.02%) was the first year that I have been reading the comments every day and actively making interfund transfers. T
-- Jerad

"I love reading what u have to say. I appreciate the plain English. I read a quote once about "if a person really knows what they are talking about, they can put it in plain English." I believe it. Keep up the good work."
-- PG

"You must eat, drink and sleep with tsp talk. You are always so amazingly quick to respond. I do hope you have a "normal" life. Ha Ha!"
-- Jim

"I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your daily commentary. I've been reading your commentary everyday for about 2 years and sometimes I just can't wait to see the material you've prepared.... I just think your doing an excellent job and I wanted to say thanks."
-- Chris

"Thank you for running such an incredible web site, which I found by accident a few years ago. Turned out to be a pot of gold :) Cheers"
-- G

"I really appreciate the details and enjoy starting the day with coffee and a good read so I suspect I’ll be a subscriber for a while… I don’t always follow your trades but the info certainly helps me make better decisions."
-- Ben

"I love your web-site. Don't know where I'd be without your commentaries. Thanks again and I am so glad I found your web-site. I highly rely on your information. Your the best!!"
-- Gypsie

"Thank You for all your hard work on TSPTALK.com, you are a fountain of info and have helped me maximize my TSP and IRA returns!! I retired 2/29/12 and continue to beef up my retirement assets.. Thanks again !"
-- Dave

"I would like to thank you very much for all your hard work putting the TSP Talk Commentary together, GREAT JOB!!! I read it every day. Keep up the great work."
-- Jim

"I always look forward to reading your TSPtalk, thank you for doing this for all of us."
-- Terri

"...greatly appreciate your website, do not know where I would be without your TSPTALK services. Keeping watch over the TSP and markets on a daily basis and reading you and IT’s commentary/advice has really truly benefited our family here in Atlanta! It has made a real difference. All the best."
-- Brian

"If you are Tom from TSPTalk, then I want you to know that I read your TSP Talk column every day. I make TSP transfers based on your observations. You make sense and I too am disappointed in TSP decision to limit transfers... To let you know, I am up 6 out of the 7 months this year. Not a big re
-- Rob

"I have been reading your commentary for a very long time, perhaps since you started your site. Just want to thank you for excellent and consistent observations. I am truly grateful for your observations and your work in a persistently excellent and essential web site
-- Jeff

"I want to express my gratitude for your services. Both have helped me increase my TSP worth far beyond what I was doing on my own. Unfortunately I did not know about your services until about 2 to 3 years ago. Otherwise I might be one of those millionaires. I have impressed upon the younger agents
-- Ross

"I cannot thank you enough for being able to join - the growth to my been TSP account has been amazing and retirement will be really terrific."
-- Cris

"I really appreciate everything you do for us TSP'ers, Tom! Have learned so much from you and hope to continue to do so. Thanks, again, and I hope you have a great weekend! :)"
-- Lisa

"Thank you. I made $11,000 yesterday [in stocks], and now the F fund is up 65%. I love capitalism!!!"
-- Alan

"Thanks for all you do for us. It takes a lot of your time and considerable effort to put together these updates. I check 'em out every day and find them invaluable."
-- Doug

"Tom, Just wanted to thank for all you do. I think you offer a fantastic service, that all TSP members should consider. I really like your personal thought process that you post and wanted to encourage you to continue with it."
-- Richard

"I started reading your Market Commentary about 3 or 4 months ago. Since then, I’ve gotten a number of fellow employees interested as well. I’m sure you hear this often, but not enough, thank you for the time and effort you put in to the site and the commentary. I think your reasoning is sound and y
-- Andrew

"I enjoy your daily commentaries, and all of the hard work and effort you do for us on the TSP website."
-- Marlene

"Well I found your website a couple months ago and became a TSP Talk Plus premium subscriber the beginning of December. Even though it has been a short period of time, I've learned so much.... So, I just wanted to Thank You for having this website and doing what you do for us. I appreciate it greatl
-- Craig

"Hey Tom, just wanted to add my name to the list to say thank you. I refer daily to your commentary and find it superbly informative."
-- Charles

"I don't know if I mentioned this before, but Thank You for this website and for keeping it up and running. It has been very beneficial to me since I started using it. I am still surprised at how simple, yet accurate, the [TSP Talk Plus System] is."
-- Ken

"I finally had some time to "peruse" the website and it was wonderful. I am learning so much. Thanks again Tom -what an amazing service."
-- Bette

"I just wanted to let you know that the text message worked today. I received my notification on the IFT change. Much appreciated. You do a great job! I know this must be your passion because the site is simply super.Thanks for everything."
-- Joe

"Just a note to thank you for your TSP TALK website info – which is free!! ... I followed your columns everyday – keep up the excellent commentary. PS: When someone asks, I refer them to your website for excellent TSP info and advice."
-- Rob

"Thanks for your incite into the workings of the market. Your charts on when to buy and sell are excellent."
-- Richard

"Oh by the way... my sincere "Thank you". I've followed you and then your premium services for many years. You have helped me to build a VERY nice nest egg to retire on this coming June. I have shown many persons your site and how to follow it. Thank you for your advise and the knowledge (dollars) y
-- Joe S

"...By the way, your plus system performance is way impressive than what was advertised, because you never showed me your EFT performance during introduction for more info! I am glad I am on your yearly plan."
-- James

"Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the trading insight provided by the TSP TALK website. It's not my only source but I do read it daily."
-- No name provided

"I thought it would be prudent to let you know that on or about 15 Jan 2015 I was at -5.88% in the TSP Tracker and was dead last on the boards. I almost cried. The previous year I luckily turned around -10.5% on 1 October into a +0.68% year in 2014 and was very relieved to have gotten into positiv
-- Steve

"This site and Your premium service is great! Such a positive environment...I really appreciate your openness. Thank you so much for all you do, the hard work you put into this site, and for creating such an awesome, thoughtfully designed, and user-friendly site! I've looked at other sites and they
-- Dba

"Mr. Crowley, You are the best! Thank you so much for the quick response. Now that is service! Best regards"
-- JJ

"Don’t know how you do all that you do (including to responding to personal e-mails so quickly) but I’m glad you do it."
-- Dean

"I love this website & the premium services you offer on it. It’s good for us Federal or retired employees to keep an eye on our TSP!"
-- John

"I've been reading your commentary for a long time now and I use your insights and charts to help me make Interfund Transfers in the TSP. I've also pointed others to your commentary who want to learn and take control of their TSP trades and break the shackles of "buy and hold". 2011 PIP was 18+
-- Troy

"TSP Talk is religiously followed by me. I give credit to this tremendous service for my wonderful account earnings."
-- Don

"Keep up the good work, your web site is an extremely valuable resource for us Feds."
-- JM

"I'm in! [forum access] Thanks for getting back to me so quick, I'm very impressed."
-- Josh

"Thanks for acknowledging your readers and encouraging a 'full duplex' commentary. I've written you maybe just once before. I read your analysis every day and particularly appreciate the comments such as, 'Aaah, who am I kidding.' I'm not sure how I feel about 'technical analysis', but I appreciate...
-- Daniel

"Just a quick note to say thanks for your work here. Your analysis and system have been about as good as anyone could hope for given the market and the events of the year that push the market around. Maybe it is just me, but the market has been tough to navigate this year and it seems that it doesn
-- Gb

"Tom, thank you so much for putting your time into this web site! I would have no confidence and be far too cautious had I not started learning from this website!"
-- Craig

"After today's posting thought I'd email. Hope you have time to read. Anyway, I read your comments daily and through them I have a much better understanding of how things work. Not to say I have anything really figured out about accurate predictions but I do understand a lot more than I used to.
-- Scott

"If you are Tom from TSPTalk, then I want you to know that I read your TSP Talk column every day. I make TSP transfers based on your observations. You make sense and I too am disappointed in TSP decision to limit transfers... To let you know, I am up 6 out of the 7 months this year. Not a big re
-- Rob

"Firstly, I want to thank you again for running your website to the benefit of thousands and thousands of Fed employees. Thanks to TSPTalk I was able to retire at a very early age and have been enjoying my retirement to the MAX. Additionally, I have been able to take ample monthly withdrawals and m
-- Keith

"Thank you so much! We really appreciate it. We tell everyone we know who has a TSP plan about your service! :-)"
-- L

"Seeing your post about the change to the tracker rules made me think all over again about how well you manage this huge and very active message board. You handle everything that pops up here so well and so fairly... You really do have a talent for keeping this all under control. Gold star!"
-- forum member

"I am delighted with TSP plus. I have made $4,519 more this year than I would if I went my own way (i.e., 50% in the C fund and 50% in the S fund). This first year of my subscription is a trial and I am very pleased with the results. Thank you."
-- John



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