RevShark's TSP Timing Returns |
TSP Timing Newsletter
2025 Returns |
RevShark |
G Fund |
F Fund |
C Fund |
S Fund |
I Fund |
20% Each |
Thru 01-31 |
3.62% |
0.39% |
0.51% |
2.78% |
4.99% |
3.68% |
2.47% |
Prior Year Returns
TSP Timing Newsletter and
Morning Market Commentary
RevShark's TSP Timing |
The Weekly TSP Timing
Newsletter and
Daily Morning Market Commentary
Did you ever wonder
how a professional trader would manage their TSP account? Navigate the
financial seas along side professional money manager,
James 'RevShark' De Porre.
RevShark's TSP Timing started back in 2006 and was TSP Talk's first premium
service. The TSP Timing Newsletter will highlight TSP funds and give
subscribers a target allocation determined by professional hedge fund manager
James 'RevShark' DePorre. RevShark manages millions of dollars for private
investors and now he is available to help you manage your TSP account.
See an Interview with
RevShark from
Each Newsletter will go over the charts of the various TSP funds and give
you a technical analysis breakdown of each. RevShark will tell you which
funds he likes, why he likes them, and gives an updated recommended allocation
for your account.
Additionally you will have access to RevShark's daily morning market
comments in the Morning Commentary articles.
To see a sample newsletter, go to
The subscription price is $20 /month which will include a regular weekend
issue of TSP Timing and midweek updates as needed, plus the daily Morning
You can save 17% by choosing a 1 year subscription.
Click here to get started!
The legal
stuff: This
system and service is for educational purposes only! This is
not advice or a recommendation. We do not give investment
advice. Do not act on this data. Do not buy, sell or trade
the funds mentioned herein based on this information. We
actively trade these funds differently than discussed above.
We use additional methods and strategies to determine fund
positions. We have made no adjustments for dividends,
slippage, commissions, interest on cash balances, etc.