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Thread: Billionaires dumping U.S. Stocks

  1. #1

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    Default Billionaires dumping U.S. Stocks

    Good story about billionaires now dumping U.S. stocks-

    Despite the 6.5% stock market rally over the last three months, a handful of billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks . . . and fast.

    Warren Buffett, who has been a cheerleader for U.S. stocks for quite some time, is dumping shares at an alarming rate. He recently complained of “disappointing performance” in dyed-in-the-wool American companies like Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, and Kraft Foods.

    In the latest filing for Buffett’s holding company Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett has been drastically reducing his exposure to stocks that depend on consumer purchasing habits. Berkshire sold roughly 19 million shares of Johnson & Johnson, and reduced his overall stake in “consumer product stocks” by 21%. Berkshire Hathaway also sold its entire stake in California-based computer parts supplier Intel.
    More: Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why

  3. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Gainesville, Florida, USA

    Default Re: Billionaires dumping U.S. Stocks

    Good, the more that get out the better I'll do in the markets.

  5. #3

    Default Re: Billionaires dumping U.S. Stocks

    Quote Originally Posted by Birchtree View Post
    Good, the more that get out the better I'll do in the markets.
    Be careful brother, I'd hate to see you get burned. It's ok to lighten up at the tops. Not that I think it's going to happen right away, but 2008 (or worse) could happen again. I know you wouldn't want to lose 50% of your value (again) in hopes that it will eventually go back up. It's ok to be bullish, but you have to consider the worst case scenario and how you would handle it. Never selling is one option, but is it the best option?
    CURRENT ALLOCATION: 100% I AS OF C.O.B. 5/22/2017

  7. #4

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    Gainesville, Florida, USA

    Default Re: Billionaires dumping U.S. Stocks

    My oceanic has been built to primarily be an income producer catching the long term dividend stream of companies. So when the market corrects I end up accumulating more shares with my dividend reinvestments and that produces more income. Of course I will take hits on my unearned capital gains but that tends to be tolerable over time. Now I'm just waiting until my margin opens up and then I'll buy myself into happiness for as long as the bull runs. When I get close to the back office girls calling me to pay up - then I'll toss them my sacrificial lamb chop account. I'm willing to run the risks because my greed factor tells me the potential is so great to earn multiple millions of dollars. So there is no way I can lighten up - it's full speed ahead to acquire as many income producing wall flowers as I can while I can. This bull has a very long way to go if it is in fact a new early secular bull market - and I'm a believer and will use margin money to leverage myself to the hilt. Granted, not everyone at home should try this - but I'm well versed in pain and am due my gains.

  9. #5

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    Default Re: Billionaires dumping U.S. Stocks

    Quote Originally Posted by James48843 View Post
    Good story about billionaires now dumping U.S. stocks-

    More: Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why

    Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why
    while I believe a correction might be coming, 90%? are you kidding me? I don't think that's possible. that would be literally catastrophic. the 2008 crash would look like disneyland compared to 90%

    if something like that were to happen, whoever's holding TZA shares would be like winning the lottery lol, right before they get laid off because their company went bankrupt.

  11. #6

    Default Re: Billionaires dumping U.S. Stocks

    Quote Originally Posted by sniper View Post
    while I believe a correction might be coming, 90%? are you kidding me? I don't think that's possible. that would be literally catastrophic. the 2008 crash would look like disneyland compared to 90%

    if something like that were to happen, whoever's holding TZA shares would be like winning the lottery lol, right before they get laid off because their company went bankrupt.
    if we get a drop like that it won't matter what you're holding or who goes bankrupt. we'll all be too busy beating each other with rocks and sticks for food, not worried about trading clams or dollars for paper certificates of lottery xxxx. there's no allocation or defense for that scenario so don't worry. if it happens then git some, for as long as you can.

  13. #7

    Join Date
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    Gainesville, Florida, USA

    Default Re: Billionaires dumping U.S. Stocks

    Here comes a plethora of triple digit gains back to back.

  15. #8

    Default Re: Billionaires dumping U.S. Stocks

    Naw, here comes another 250 point down day.
    CURRENT ALLOCATION: 100% I AS OF C.O.B. 5/22/2017



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