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  1. A message for the Bears

    You don’t tug on Superman’s cape, you don’t spit into the wind, you don’t pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger, and you don’t trade against the trend.

    I’ve seen some bearish one-liners thrown all over the net today. They say things like “this is a suckers rally, only a fool would jump in at the top.” Well I hope they all choke on their crow. They must have said the same thing in March as they continued to desperately double-down on their losing short positions. Just like our famous ...
  2. That's Bullish

    I have a hard time getting Bullish, until we break through the previous 930 high. The fact is we are still stuck in the 880-930 trading range until proven otherwise. Even if I wanted to IFT in right now, we are already on the high side of the current trading range, so the current upside potential is 11 points.

    But I will admit that Friday’s charts did get more Bullish. We did break up through the original (lower red line) descending triangle but because we failed to get above 930, ...
  3. Something in the Wind?

    I have been monitoring the recent North Korean activities the past week and I'm beginning to wonder if the Pyongyang nuclear tests, satellite launch and missile launches, along with the breaking of the Armistice Agreement are a prelude to something unexpected by the major powers.

    North Korea has a history of beating its war drum, threatening its neighbors, and issuing belligerent statements. There is a reason for this and it's not necessarily because the communist leadership is unstable ...
  4. Just be wrong and move on…

    Sorry, no charts for this one. This is just filler, while I work on the weekend report.

    Cheers... Jason

    There is a fundamentally sound reason that I chose to stay out of the markets after the March bottom and didn’t enter in until May 5th. This is the same reason I missed out on a potential 33.9% gain. What might that reason be you ask? It’s simple, I was wrong, wrong, wrong, for much too long.

    [FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=4][COLOR=royalblue]Sometimes ...
  5. The I fund.

    I’ll be the first to admit I find it difficult to wrap my brain around the I-fund because tracking the various overseas markets & their currencies are well outside my comfort zone. Still, I can’t just stay stupid forever, so I’m slowly building a foundation. For now, most of my I-fund analysis consists of using the S&P 500 as a leading indicator for the world markets, and monitoring the strength of the U.S. Dollar.
    [FONT=Palatino Linotype]

    Updated 05-28-2009 at 09:58 PM by JTH

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