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Testimonials for Intrepid_Timer's Investment Strategies

"Excellent year end review Mike. I too believe a C+ is too harsh of an assessment. You and other members of this board have inspired me to venture outside of TSP (Robinhood account) this past year and seeing those numbers compounded really put it into perspective. I don't have much in my personal account yet, but the past 5 years I've been with you for the TSP have been extraordinary. The confidence you instill during rough waters and information that you provide is invaluable. To say thank you doesn't seem like enough, but to know the positive impact that your efforts have on countless families around the country is truly life changing. Not many can make that claim."
- Sincerely, Rob

"I want to say that I am thrilled with this “premium” service (Intrepid Timer). I’ve never spent money like this but I already lost thousands from my TSP account this year so the monthly premium is feeling very reasonable right now. I know nothing is guaranteed but at least I’m not casting in the dark all by myself."
- Jeff

"I am sure glad I found Intrepid Timer last year about this time. I really did not get going until January of 2015. My account balance has really increased. I wish I had started so much earlier. I am eligible to retire in 2017, but plan on staying until 2027. Who is responsible for Intrepid Timer? Are you a Federal employee? I want to thank you for all your work you have done throughout the years. I am telling everyone I can about your sites premium services. Keep up the good work."
- Keith

"I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for this wonderful service you provide. I am continuously amazed at your timing and very grateful that you are sharing this information with the rest of us. I hope you don't become discouraged with the quick barbs from some folks. I'm hoping you continue to do this for many years to come. You really can't imagine what a blessing this is to people like myself who have been in L funds and G fund for years and years and now (for me) 9 years from retirement can finally have a way of building our retirement accounts. You are doing so much to help so many and I wanted you to hear from one of your biggest fans. thanks again!

- V

"After being a buy and hold investor for many years and watching my account take a big hit in 2008, I decided that it was time for a different approach. I wanted to give market timing a try but had no idea how to get started. I_Ts system is the answer. The system provides outstanding returns and is far less risky than buy and hold. Let's face it, you have to invest in stocks if you want to have a decent income in retirement. The great think about this system is that you are only invested about a week per month with your account safely invested in fixed income accounts for the rest of the month and you still receive far better returns than parking your account in the G fund. I highly recommend this system to anybody who wants to try something other than buy and hold. I_T is also very responsive to questions on his investment strategies thread for his subscribers. Thank you, I_T!"

- Happy Trails

“I, like many others, have tried to incorporate multiple timing strategies to maximize my TSP returns. With limited transfers, I found it difficult and frustrating to make the most opportunistic money transfer. I decided to adopt Intrepid Timer's system for the past few months and have been extremely surprised and pleased with my returns. This is a difficult and stressful market to follow; however, after deciding to follow Intrepid Timer's investment strategy, I have made steady stress free gains in my portfolio. Well worth the money!”
- Murphy's Law


“I have been investing in TSP for about 20 years. The majority of the time was spent as a buy-n-hold investor and the recession in the early 2000's taught me an expensive lesson. I have tried all the premium services on TSP-Talk and have had the best return in the shortest amount of time with Intrepid_Timer service. For about the price of a cup of coffee per day, I can relax and look forward to a great retirement...Thanks I_T”
- DC from Missouri


“After spending years sitting in the L funds watching my money go up and down, using this system has not only increased my returns dramatically, its also given me better insight into how the market works and more confidence in my trading decisions. I'm a customer for life. I won't go back to buying and holding again.”


“To Whom It May Concern,
For the last four months I have been a member of Intrepid Timer’s Premium Service, following his advice and recommendations for trading my government TSP funds. During that period I have a gain of over 5 percent and on my way to a nice retirement fund in the next couple of years. I highly recommend IT’s services because of the reasonable cost and the potential financial gains. I am also a paid subscriber to another  service that has lackluster performance and I am extremely excited and happy that I have Mike’s daily recommendations that have outperformed any other that I have come across.”
- Michael G.

“I am a very happy subscriber. I've tried to do this on my own and just don't have the research time I need to make adequately informed decisions. IT has been spot on with his recommendations and I value his research and dedication to helping TSP Talk members make more money. I've made a few of my own decisions like staying in the F fund after the last sell order in Feb. but the bulk of my gains this year are following IT's recommendations and I've only been out of the top 100 once this year to date. My goal is to retire at 57 in 6 years with 34+ years of Fed employment and with IT's help I am on target to reach that.”
- Cattman

“I'm from Florida and want to say the "Intrepid Timer" shows good potential towards communication, alerts and, of course, positive returns. I have confidence in telling me when to buy and sell. This is what I'm looking for. He is doing what I was doing by getting in and getting out. Now, I can leave the thinking and emotions out of it as long as I'm with his services! Thanks Mike for your "Intrepid Timer" service and I highly recommend others to try it!”

“I am extremely satisfied using Intrepid_Timer's premium service. His system minimizes my exposure to the market and brings me monthly positive returns which are above my goals. My only form of savings is my TSP account and his service has outperformed my personal moves hands down while eliminating the emotional effects of trading.”
- Ed from Florida

“If you've been a long time buy and hold and lost big in those market crashes only to wait years to get back to where you once were you may want to consider another strategy. Consider the Intrepid Timer Premium Service through TSP Talk. The monthly fee is minimal and pays for itself sometimes in one trading day. The program generally, but not always, allows you to make steady gains on the days you are in the stocks and to ride out some of the market declines sitting high and dry in the G fund. It's a nice feeling knowing that you are safe in the G fund when you see the market tanking. His system not only works for your TSP, but also for IRA's and other investments. You can use it for ETF's and mutual funds. The system alerts you by 11:30am, even by text message if you like, when there is a need to buy or sell. Give Intrepid Timer's system a try and see what you get I think you feel like you are earning something with your money and not just riding the roller coaster of the market up and down.”
- Paul

“I've been following Intrepid Timer's trades since last October 2010. I've consistently made 2% a month since then and on track to meet our goal of 26% annually. I retire in 11 months and wish I could've followed him sooner! You'll make the monthly fee up in one day of trading easily. I've tried many pay service's and IT's is by far the best! Thanks Mike!”
- Dutchy in New York State.

“I do not have the time to study and manage my retirement investments, and  I have had dismal returns in my tsp plan for 10 years. I, more often than not buy when I should be selling or sell when I should be buying. With that said, I joined Intrepid Timer in January. I have already made more money in two months than I did in the previous twelve months. I could not be more thrilled with his timing system, and from the looks of it, thanks to the Mike, also referred to as the Milkman I WILL get to retire someday. The cost to join is nominal, but the rewards are impressive. The customer service he provides and the commitment to making sure each premium member receives the alert is above and beyond, and if you are thinking about joining, my advice is Just do it, you wont regret it.”

“Not only am I making great gains using the system employed by Intrepid Timer, I am also learning why the market behaves like it does. IT not only provides a TSP system, but an overall investing system that can be applied outside of the TSP too. IT also teaches about the market and is more than happy to answer your questions. If only the "professionals" provided the same services. IT has truly raised the bar!”
- D


“I'm really, really ambivalent about providing this testimonial -- but only because I'm really enjoying doing better return-wise than so many others on the tracker. I can't say enough about how much better my returns have been since I started following IT. After many years of believing and following the "buy and hold" theory and losing my shirt in the crash a few years ago, I've been actively trying to use market timing for several years now. Just as buy and hold ultimately did not work well for me, market timing wasn't working real well either. I couldn't be happier with the results I've had following IT thus far. In addition to having a great system, IT's also a great guy. He takes the time to answer every personal question subscribers ask him about his system, their TSP account or other investments. At $20 a month, ITs service really is a bargain.”
From the great state of Oregon

“I am extremely pleased with the premium service and am hoping that you will continue the service for many years to come.”


“Thank you for your excellent TSP advice. After weathering January on my own I signd up for your premium services in February and Its the best move I ever made. I have moved up to number 6 on the tracker as of March 21 and this is a direct result of following your trade advice. Your service costs less than a buck per trading day and it allows me to make more money than I ever could make on my own. It was hard for me to set aside my pride after years of doing it on my own but my account speaks for itself. Once again, thanks and I'm in for the long term with your service.”
- gnfishn

Reading, Pennsylvania

“As a federal employee for over 35 years and a TSP max contributor during that entire time, I have finally found a system (IT's) to follow with my TSP funds that I feel comfortable with. I am 59 years old and within 3 years of retirement, which makes me conservative in general. However, that has proved to be a losing approach during 2010. So far in 2011, following IT's signals with a slight modification I have been able to exceed my expectations with a current return nearly 7%. Based on this short trial period, I would still highly recommend his trading system since timing the market is so difficult. So far, his system has done very well in 2011 which speaks for itself!”


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