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Thread: New to TSP Talk, looking to get more involved in my TSP

  1. Default New to TSP Talk, looking to get more involved in my TSP

    Hello everyone,

    I have been lurking on the site for a few months now trying to soak in as much knowledge as I can. I am 36 and currently 100% invested in the L2050 fund. For my career I have been pretty much using a "set it and forget it" type of strategy, however I want to get more involved. I have been reading about different strategies you guys use with numbers attached to them, such as "275111" or "113588"; something like that. What does all of that mean? Also, from some of the posts I have been reading on here it almost looks like many of you guys are day trading, or swing trading with the TSP. Is that possible or am I reading it wrong?

  3. #2

    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Cleveland, Ohio

    Default Re: New to TSP Talk, looking to get more involved in my TSP

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike1209 View Post
    Hello everyone,

    I have been lurking on the site for a few months now trying to soak in as much knowledge as I can. I am 36 and currently 100% invested in the L2050 fund. For my career I have been pretty much using a "set it and forget it" type of strategy, however I want to get more involved. I have been reading about different strategies you guys use with numbers attached to them, such as "275111" or "113588"; something like that. What does all of that mean? Also, from some of the posts I have been reading on here it almost looks like many of you guys are day trading, or swing trading with the TSP. Is that possible or am I reading it wrong?

    Welcome aboard. This is a great place to learn and sometimes the information highway can be a bit confusing. With only 2 IFT's for the month I wouldn't say some of us are day or swing traders but a few do take advantage of both IFT's and then moving some shares into the "G" fund a few times. I'm not sure what the numbers mean but someone will have an answer. The L2050 isn't a bad spot to be in, but if you feel aggressive you can move some shares into the FCSI funds.

    Good luck.
    May the force be with us.

  5. Default Re: New to TSP Talk, looking to get more involved in my TSP


    I appreciate the love. As far as the numbers, I read those on a different site, not this one. Maybe it was a strategy calculator thing, not sure. Yes I am looking to move out of the L2050 to become more aggressive. Now that I have learned what the G and F funds are about, I don't see a need to allocate much to those funds, which the L2050 does. I was looking at the L2055, which allocates:

    G = .50%
    F = .50%
    C = 49.05%
    S = 15.30%
    I = 34.65%

    I am not sure about it though since I am reading that the I fund is a waste and I would be better off contributing more to the C and S. Would you agree? I know there is no such thing as a perfect allocation, but as I said, I am 36 and looking to be as aggressive as I can for at least another 10-15 years. Is now a good time to switch it up or would you wait? Thanks.

    Welcome aboard. This is a great place to learn and sometimes the information highway can be a bit confusing. With only 2 IFT's for the month I wouldn't say some of us are day or swing traders but a few do take advantage of both IFT's and then moving some shares into the "G" fund a few times. I'm not sure what the numbers mean but someone will have an answer. The L2050 isn't a bad spot to be in, but if you feel aggressive you can move some shares into the FCSI funds.

  7. #4

    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Cleveland, Ohio

    Default Re: New to TSP Talk, looking to get more involved in my TSP


    The one thing about this place is no one will tell you what to do. We make suggestions or hand out opinions, but the final choice is always yours. I'm aggressive so I spend a lot of time in the "S" fund. It has down me well and it has burned me. If I were to be in the "L" funds I would find something that was a little heavy in the "C" & "S" funds and maybe a little more balanced in the "I" & "F" funds. But that's me. Hopefully some more ideas come your way.

    Good luck.
    May the force be with us.

  9. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Cleveland, Ohio

    Default Re: New to TSP Talk, looking to get more involved in my TSP


    One thing you should do is go down to "Members Account Talk",, and start up your own Thread. Also if you haven't done so yet go to "Rules, TOS, & Info - Please Read", . Lot's of good stuff in there. Eventually you might want to join the "AutoTracker", TSP Talk AutoTracker .
    May the force be with us.

  11. #6

    Default Re: New to TSP Talk, looking to get more involved in my TSP

    Welcome Mike! Thanks for joining us.

    I'm not sure what those number strategies are, but one thing you can do is watch the AutoTracker (and join it yourself for free) to see what the top returning account are doing. Not all of those accounts are going to show exactly what a member is doing since, for obvious reasons, we don't we show "live" info for those who pay for a premium service.

    But there are a bunch of folks doing really well and just watching what they are doing, and they do have to follow the IFT limit rules, might give you an understanding of their thought process. And like nasa said, they may be discussing the reason for their moves in their Account Talk threads, if they have one.

    Good luck!
    Market Commentary | My Blog | TSP Talk Plus | |

    I am not a Registered Investment Advisor and this is not investment advice. Please do your own due diligence.

  13. #7

    Default Re: New to TSP Talk, looking to get more involved in my TSP


    As you said those number strats come from another site (TSP Calc), where strategies are developed using seasonal trends/stats. This site is also great, lots of folks share technical analysis/their feelings on the market (Cool Hand and TSP Talk himself do a great job breaking the market down)

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike1209 View Post
    Hello everyone,

    I have been lurking on the site for a few months now trying to soak in as much knowledge as I can. I am 36 and currently 100% invested in the L2050 fund. For my career I have been pretty much using a "set it and forget it" type of strategy, however I want to get more involved. I have been reading about different strategies you guys use with numbers attached to them, such as "275111" or "113588"; something like that. What does all of that mean? Also, from some of the posts I have been reading on here it almost looks like many of you guys are day trading, or swing trading with the TSP. Is that possible or am I reading it wrong?


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