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Thread: Coronavirus and Stocks

  1. #13

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    Default Re: Coronavirus and Stocks

    I meant that I did not mean to "like" things changing from green to red.

    I "liked" that you posted it though.

    I continue to be constantly amazed at the resilience of this market, even though the virus is going to devastate large segments of it.
    I just talked to a friend yesterday who was planning a two week cruise from Singapore to Hong Kong two weeks from now. They made reservations six months ago.

    they cancelled last week, even though it meant losing thousands in cancellation fees. I know they must be typical of others- so the whole travel industry is about to collapse.
    THen you have all your big box stores who have good coming from China. Ships are being cancelled because factories are closed and cannot produce. That's going to take a few weeks to hit the supply chain
    impact on retail, but you know it will be huge in a month or two.

    So how is it, with all this about to hit the bottom line, that stocks keep going up?? Are investors not realizing the impact of the halt in goods from China? And the cancelled travel? airlines? tourism?

    It can't be too much longer before a crash. (Or am I just being too negative?)

  3. #14

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    Default Re: Coronavirus and Stocks

    Perhaps this is what it takes to make people realize how dependent we have become on the Communists. All of our grandparents knew better, yet here we are.

  5. #15

    Default Re: Coronavirus and Stocks

    Quote Originally Posted by James48843 View Post
    It can't be too much longer before a crash. (Or am I just being too negative?)
    The irony here is that while a 1.5% yield on the 10-year is signalling trouble, and cash pays virtually nothing, where else is all the pension and 401K money going to go? I guess that's how bubbles are made.

    Oh, and the market may have heard you today. The Dow is now down 300+ out of nowhere.
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  7. #16

    Default Re: Coronavirus and Stocks

    Quote Originally Posted by James48843 View Post
    It can't be too much longer before a crash. (Or am I just being too negative?)
    Scary, but I guess the reality of the coronavirus is slowly sinking in amongst investors.
    Market crash had been "predicted" even before coronavirus, but this market is so resilient.
    The BIG $ question - until when?
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  9. #17

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    Default Re: Coronavirus and Stocks

    Money has nowhere else to go with interest rates so low. Earn 2% on a 30 year treasury or earn 1.8% in SP500 dividends alone.

    Markets have factored in all the headlines and they really don't matter. Too many people are still hoping for a headline out of China that says 300,000 dead from virus. That headline is not going to happen.

    Google trends chart below shows people aren't "panicking" about corona virus. Searches have been trending down since the January peak. In fact, Google scores "Corona Virus" a 37 today,down from a peak 100.

    Screenshot from 2020-02-20 14-09-22.jpg

    Spring is right around the corner.

  11. #18

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    Default Re: Coronavirus and Stocks

    LOL.... negative rates could be next.....
    “There is only one side to the stock market; and it is not the bull side or the bear side, but the right side” Jesse L. Livermore

  13. #19

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    Unfortunately, the time China to prepare for such a shock has passed. Under reaction and overreaction both bring risk.

    If China starts to go down, deflation will follow. Not good for inflation prospects and the only way will be continued rate cuts, which I believe the US will embark on very soon based on current yields. Who knows what China does from here, but they can't let their great leader down with weak growth.

  15. #20

    Default Re: Coronavirus and Stocks

    South Korea goes on high alert over virus, Italy battles to contain outbreak

    Coronavirus could spark a 20% tech pullback, investor Paul Meeks warns


  17. #21

    Default Re: Coronavirus and Stocks

    Dow set to drop almost 400 points at the open as coronavirus cases outside China surge

  19. #22

    Default Re: Coronavirus and Stocks

    Fears of a ‘supply shock’ are rattling stocks and global markets as viral outbreak continues

  21. #23

    Default Re: Coronavirus and Stocks

    American soldier stationed in South Korea first service member to test positive for coronavirus

  23. #24

    Default Re: Coronavirus and Stocks

    Dow set to drop more than 300 points following report of first US coronavirus case of unknown origin


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