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TSP Talk Blog

This and that about the market, the TSP, maybe some politics, and life.

  1. TSP Talk - Quadruple Witching Day

    Stocks opened higher on Thursday and from there the indices moved in different directions. The Dow continued higher and gained 300-points, so the headline looked good, but tech stocks rolled over and that sent the S&P 500 and Nasdaq lower. It wasn't a major loss but the charts now have some cracks after the negative reversal. To make things more complicated, the roughed up Transportation Index was up over 1% on the day. Yields were up sending bonds slightly lower.

S&P500 (C Fund) (delayed)

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DWCPF (S Fund) (delayed)

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EFA (I Fund) (delayed)

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BND (F Fund) (delayed)

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Yahoo Finance Realtime TSP Fund Tracking Index Quotes