View Full Version : INTERNET SAFETY Facebook, for one

05-24-2010, 08:13 PM
This weekend when reading some of the news links, I clicked on the Comment section to see what some of the responses had been.
Imagine my shock & dismay to see my name & Facebook avatar pop up at me with a box to leave a comment. I visit Facebook maybe once a month, & have never left myself logged in, nor checked a square to `stay logged in.' And I may have written on it as much as 6-8 times. Yet this viewing included the line that I was signed in at Facebook, & was a member there.
My Facebook acct had next to nothing of my personal being, I tried to make sure that I was getting out, but I am not. Then I realized I had no idea which article I had clicked, because sometimes I go to things I see on the Sidebars. Anyway, tho we have all heard Facebook is selling our accounts, it was a shock to look at `myself' so freely exposed.
(no, Sky - that avatar is Not the Real Me !!:laugh: I am working on dis-membering myself, but will join up long enough in November to view your next Ukraine trip. )