View Full Version : Goldman Sachs

10-17-2009, 10:46 AM
How Goldman Sachs leveraged 70 Billion in Taxpayer bailout money, into record profits in one quarter.

http://bankimplode.com/viewnews/2009-10-17_HowGoldmanSachsLeveraged70BillioninGovernmentMo neyForRecordProfi.html

10-17-2009, 10:54 AM

Goldman Sachs employee bonus pool is now said to be $21 BILLION dollars, or about $800,000 per employee for the 31,700 employees of Goldman Sachs.


While it is true that the higher paid employees will be getting larger bonuses, it certainly begs the question- do financial companies really need taxpayer money because they are too big to fail?

Should we not be breaking these companies up then, using anti-trust laws, to shrink them in size so that they are not "too big to fail"?

And, if the answer is...we can't break them up because they are international companies, and our government doesn't have the power to break them up, .....why are our taxpayers bailing them out, anyway?

10-17-2009, 01:00 PM

Goldman Sachs employee bonus pool is now said to be $21 BILLION dollars, or about $800,000 per employee for the 31,700 employees of Goldman Sachs.


While it is true that the higher paid employees will be getting larger bonuses, it certainly begs the question- do financial companies really need taxpayer money because they are too big to fail?

Should we not be breaking these companies up then, using anti-trust laws, to shrink them in size so that they are not "too big to fail"?

And, if the answer is...we can't break them up because they are international companies, and our government doesn't have the power to break them up, .....why are our taxpayers bailing them out, anyway?

Is there anything we taxpayers can do about this? I have already written 2 emails to the congressman for my area in the past year or so (about the bailouts and changes in health insurance) but of course no reply. Seems like it is not worth taking the trouble to do. But I do not think the politicians are listening.

By the way I like your pnf thread and read it often, but mostly lurk on it. Theres a lot of good info in pnf charts that a lot of people seem to ignore.

10-17-2009, 02:00 PM
Amazing. I would love to hear something about the enormous success of our system. Utterly amazing.

10-17-2009, 02:34 PM
I'm surprised any of you guys are surprised.


10-17-2009, 04:16 PM
I'm surprised any of you guys are surprised.


GREAT site. thanks

10-17-2009, 04:34 PM
Didn't Slick Willie's Treasury Sec Robert Reuben change the market laws in the late 90s and then went to Goldman's to make billions for himself and other Dims?

Follow the money and you will always find "liberals" using big gov to steal money from honest people. It happens everytime.