View Full Version : Natca contract/Arbitration Decision

08-13-2009, 09:43 PM
Thought I would start a thread for us ATCers to see what everyone thinks of the arbitration decision released today.

08-13-2009, 10:02 PM
I predict a huge additional retirement wave is about to happen.

Basic information, for those not following closely, is here:

Some addition information is up tonight, posted on:

I have not heard a single NATCA member say it is a good deal.

While the language in the arbitrator's ruling is quite clear on the imposition of illegal work rules, that does not help the final outcome, in which thousands of controllers have lost any hope of being made whole.

It isn't pretty.

It is what it is.

08-14-2009, 06:45 AM
I think retirements will continue on the current pace or at a higher rate. That is a very high rate. We are losing people fast. I think the so called "B" scalers are happy for the most part. They would be happy with anything because they started at a very low place. Those eligible to retire will continue to do so, especially at busy facilities.

Controllers retiring is the #1 problem at the FAA. This hasn't helped.

08-14-2009, 02:22 PM
I think a lot of eligible people that have been patiently waiting for the results that will now bail. The "We are winning" and "Obama will save us" false bravado cheers that had everyone whipped up waiting to engage in the end zone dance are now replaced with groans of disappointment. I'm happy for the "B" scalers, they deserve it. Nothing for the veterans. The way I look at it, I've been screwed for the last four years and that will continue for the next three. When I'm eligible I will have been at my high three for seven years.

Why stick around? For 1% a year? At $100,000 annually for example that's only $1K a year divided by 26 equals an extra $38 a pay period (taxed).

08-14-2009, 07:48 PM
Well said "Bull". Right on the money.

I am eligible now and am one of the ones groaning. I will be gone soon with many of my brothers. The FAA has gotten their way. They have run us off. The new guys are happy and I for them. They deserve more but its a lot better than they have now.

The 4% that goes into my base is better than I have now (my pay was frozen) but I have already lost 10% in the last 3 years. I wanted that back.