View Full Version : Notable Election land-marks

01-27-2008, 05:48 AM
As we head into the election season, this thread is for notable landmarks along the way. Could be a notable speech, a notable candiadte dropping out of the race, or perhaps a notable news story that moves the electorate along.

How will history remember the election of 2008?

This thread is a start.

01-27-2008, 05:49 AM
Here is the first "notable" I would put up -

Barack Obama's victory speech following his significant victory in South Carolina:


02-01-2008, 12:57 PM
Moveon.org endorses a primary candidate for the first time in it's history:

Barack Obama.


02-13-2008, 02:39 AM
Obama wins the tri-fecta of Virginia, DC and Maryland, while Hillary fires her campaign manager and starts over again. Significant because of several factors-

1. Dem turnout was more than double republican turnout in all three areas.

2. This makes nine wins in a row, if you count Virgin Islands. DC is by the biggest margain in the race so far- over 70% in favor of Barack, and even in Virginia, Barack's win is by over 64%.

3. Barack now is even taking the majority of female vote- the last group that was still still hanging onto Hillary before. Now Barack leads in every category of voter- from young to old, from rich to poor, from educated to not educated, leading amoung church goers, among both men and women, black and white, young and old . Obama has the "Big MO",-- momentum-- going forward. Leading in money, and in number of donors as well.

Exit poll data:

Hillary has to bank everything now on Texas, Ohio AND Pennsylvania, if she still has any chance at all. Unless she is able to do that, this part of the race is over.

03-03-2008, 11:45 AM

gotta keep her in it, so McCain can win it..