View Full Version : Getting the Word Out to Feds on the Petition

12-08-2007, 05:14 PM
I sent FedSmith and email advising him that we were setting up a petition and the website, as well as reference to tspshareholder.org and aske d him to publicize the effort in order to get more feds involved. I haven't sent anything to Mke Causey because frankly, I don't think Mike's on our side on this this...which ticks me off...but so what..

I also sent this to the DOE NTEU rep and asked him to make the national headquarters aware of the effort. I get the feeling we're doing a lot more than they are..and I think we need to push them harder to stand up for us as advocates on this issue.

If you have the time, send this information to your union rep..


12-09-2007, 04:37 AM
I have posted on our internal union internet bulletin board. If you have a similar electronic BBS, please consider doing the same.

There is power in numbers to fight back- IF everyone signs, and tells co-workers about the petition, and asks them to sign as well.

It's YOUR money.

Sign petition at: http://www.tspshareholder.org

12-09-2007, 03:40 PM
Hi James:

I wrote NTEU and NARFE again today requesting their help on the petition.


I am writing to ask for (NTEU/NARFE's) help. This is my 2nd email on this subject. My first email was not acknowledged.

We have started an effort to collect 10,000 signatures to fight to the actions of the TSP Board to limit IFT transactions, or to make any decision that negatively affects TSP participants without being vetted through the ETAC.

We're now over 425 signatures on the petition, but we need a LOT more. Please help us by spreading the word of the petition campaign through the various federal agencies and with retirees. Those interested in signing the petition can access it at this website, which a group of us have set up to fight the actions of the TSP Board..

Interested parties can access the petition and sign it here:


Sign the petition!

Thank you for your assistance. This issue affects everybody in TSP.
