View Full Version : Bucket withdraw with L funds

09-29-2019, 08:44 PM
My TSP account is currently allocated to 50% in L2020 and 50% in L2030. I hope to retire in 2.5 to 4 yrs. My contribution is also set to 50% in L2020 and 50% L2030.

When I retire and start to withdraw from my TSP account, may I only withdraw money (say $50K) in my L2020 funds by taking the following steps: 1. move all the money (say $400K) in L2030 to L2020, 2. Withdraw $50K from L2020, and then 3. move $400K from L2020 back to L2030.

Does this bucket withdraw strategy work?

09-29-2019, 11:33 PM
Sounds like it should. You would be using all your IFTs for the month doing so. Let others answer before you listen to me. Best of luck.

09-29-2019, 11:51 PM
Agree. It sounds like you don't use your IFT's anyway, so yes, it sounds like that will work fine.

09-30-2019, 09:51 AM
Agree. It sounds like you don't use your IFT's anyway, so yes, it sounds like that will work fine.

Thank you both for answered my question. I can now keep my L2030 untouched until I withdraw all the money in my L2020 funds.