View Full Version : Interfund transfer implications

06-27-2005, 01:07 AM
If I move my money from C fund to G fund, do I get penalized for the shares I bought when the market was higher than it is now? For instance, I have been in the TSP for 15 years, and the high price of the C fund was about 1500; now it is 1200. What happens to the value of those older shares?Thanks.

06-27-2005, 03:20 AM
If you ITF 100% G-Fund, you purchase shares at that current Funds price (now at $10.90). When you decide to ITF again into another Fund, you again purchase at that Funds current price. Right now all Funds are higher than the G-Fund, so if you ITF'D you still have the same amount in your TSP but you have purchased fewer shares of the other Funds. Did this answer your question?Buy low, Sell high ! ! !