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Trader Fred - The creator of the TSP Trader System

Trader Fred

Trader Fred was a Silicon Valley pioneer and is most recognized for inventing the first computer chip manufacturing techniques that allowed high volume production at pennies per chip instead of dollars per chip.  His process innovations revolutionized the industry and are directly responsible for the modern microprocessor driven world, including the computer you are reading this on.  He is also noted for handcrafting chips that are now on the Moon (Apollo) and Mars (Viking) and beyond the known Solar System (Voyager).

After retiring from his engineering position, he began to direct his efforts not at inventing microchips, but using them to their full potential by developing technical models for tracking the stock market. Several highly successful commercial tracking models have been developed and later, with the advent of the authority of Federal Employees to trade on a daily basis, he had developed The TSP Trader System.

Why He is Anonymous:

Trader Fred is above all a real person, not a group or syndicate of stock brokers, and for the most part is very retired and happy to be so. He is a male in his late 50s living in the Northwest far away from his Silicon Valley career and where nobody knows his name, not even the bartender.

Trader Fred wants to be anonymous as he did his time as one of the top names in the electronics world and now is devoting his to time to protecting his investments and now creating programs for TSP Talk when he is not tweaking the Wall Street models he created.  As a note he is just as anonymous to Wall Street as he is to TSP Talk and thinking about it, can you blame him?  With over 4 million Federal employees and retirees his privacy would be at risk if he gave us his address and phone number.  Many people would love to get inside the mind of someone who developed some the most successful timing programs ever written.  

However, fear not, as we will have access to Trader Fred when TSP Talk will pose the best questions you submit about his proprietary timing model for TSP funds. He will indeed answer them as appropriate, and anonymously of course.


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